Permanent waterproof UV resistant decal sticker that says THIS MACHINE GETS PUSSY. It's a decal, so the white backing and the clear transfer tape both peel away, leaving just the white (or black) text. It was conceived for a guitar, but it'd do fine on a car or in any outdoor setting.
Flatten it with your hands or a credit card or something like that before peeling -- it makes a big difference. Peel off the back white part first, leaving the clear grid tape with the letters stuck to it. Then apply the clear grid tape, press hard!!, and peel away the grid tape. Do it slowly -- too fast will make the letters come up with the transfer tape. Watch a youtube video on it if it's your first time. It seems like common sense, but there's little techniques that can make it easier and better.
Shipped free within the USA via USPS stamped letter mail.